$897.00 USD

Terms and Conditions Agreement

Program: Financial Flow: Mastering Your Mindset and Nervous System for Financial Freedom!

Welcome and thank you for your commitment to the "Financial Flow: Mastering Your Mindset and Nervous System for Financial Freedom!" program (hereinafter referred to as “the Program”). Please carefully read the following terms and conditions (the "Agreement") which govern your access to and participation in the Program. By accessing, purchasing, or using the Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by this Agreement.

1. Nature of the Program

a. General Purpose: The Program is designed to provide participants with educational content relating to personal development, mindset cultivation, and nervous system regulation techniques intended to enhance financial freedom. It is provided for informational purposes only.

b. Not Professional Advice: The Program is not intended to be, and must not be taken as, medical, psychological, financial, or legal advice. The strategies and information provided are for educational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice from a qualified advisor or practitioner in the respective fields.

2. Refund Policy

All purchases of the Program are final. Given the nature of digital content and the immediate access provided to the Program materials upon purchase, we do not offer refunds. We encourage you to thoroughly review all Program details and FAQs before making a purchase.

3. Personal Responsibility

You acknowledge and agree that your progress and results from the Program depend on your personal commitment, motivation, and circumstances. As a participant, you take full responsibility for your own well-being, decisions, and actions throughout and after your involvement in the Program.

4. Intellectual Property

a. Ownership: All program materials, including, without limitation, text, graphics, logos, audio and video content, and interactive features (the "Program Materials"), are the property of the Program creators or their content suppliers and are protected by international copyright and intellectual property laws.

b. Restrictions on Use: As a participant in the Program, you are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the Program Materials for personal, non-commercial use only. It is strictly prohibited to copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, display, perform, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any Program Materials for any reason whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Program creators.

5. Prohibitions

You agree not to share your login credentials or allow others to access or consume the Program content through your account. The unauthorized duplication, redistribution, or sharing of Program Materials is strictly prohibited and may result in termination of your access to the Program without refund and/or legal action.

6. Limitation of Liability

You expressly agree that your use of the Program is at your sole risk. The Program creators, affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, and suppliers shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the use or the inability to use the Program or any other matter related to the Program.

7. Program Access

a. Lifetime Access to Audios: Upon purchase of the Program, you are granted unlimited, lifetime access to the audio material included within the Program. This access is non-transferrable and is to be used solely by the purchaser for personal, non-commercial purposes.

b. Bonus Group Calls: Participation in the group Q&A calls is a bonus feature of the Program, provided to encourage community learning and engagement. These calls are subject to availability and scheduling and may be discontinued at any time at the discretion of the Program creators. Discontinuation of group calls does not affect your lifetime access to the audio materials and will not result in partial or full refunds.

Please note that although the group calls may be recorded and made available to Program participants, the accessibility and availability of these replays are subject to change and are not guaranteed under this Agreement.

Remember, by proceeding with your purchase, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with this Agreement, you should not access or participate in the Program.



[Signature (if applicable)]

Financial Flow

Become A Money Magnet And Live Your Dreams

Financial abundance doesn’t come from your business, it starts with your mindset.

Secure your seat and unlock the key to financial freedom and emotional resilience.

Picture it now, your dream life…

The luxurious car, the lavish house, the perfect vacations. The successful and thriving business. You wake up every day feeling successful, abundant, and confident.

The thing keeping you from living that life… your subconscious limiting beliefs and fears.

The secret to getting everything you’ve ever wanted isn’t working harder.

If you’re not mentally, emotionally, and energetically aligned with your goals, it doesn’t matter how hard you work. You will never achieve the results you’re looking for.

But how do you get into alignment?

You regulate your nervous system, and reprogram your limiting beliefs tied to negative emotions.

Since birth, the computer in your head (specifically your subconscious) has been creating limiting beliefs as a way of keeping you safe.

These limiting beliefs and emotions are so sneaky, you probably don’t even realize how much they’re holding you back.

Is this what the voice in your head sounds like?

  • “Why is it so easy for everyone else to succeed and so hard for me?”
  • “I never have enough money.”
  • “If I don’t work hard enough then I don’t deserve it.”
  • “I should just quit and give up.”
  • “I’m just not meant to achieve my goals.”
  • “I don’t have what it takes to be successful.”
  • “I’m so unlucky, bad things are always happening to me.”
  • “It’s going to take me forever to reach my goals.”
  • “Nothing works out the way I want it to.”

How many sleepless nights have you laid awake worried about your future?

  •  You struggle with guilt, shame, fears, and doubts…
  •  You feel like you’re being held back by insecurities, anxieties, depression, and stress…
  •  Feelings of despair, jealousy, uncertainty, and overwhelm make you feel stuck…
  •  You can’t beat the imposter syndrome, and feelings of being unworthy…
  •  You can’t move past the fear of success, or the fear of being seen…

You must be exhausted…

Time is one of the most valuable resources available.

You can always make more money and recharge your energy. But you’ll never get back the time you lost stressing and agonizing about why you’re not achieving your goals. Don’t waste another precious moment not living the life of your dreams.

How do I reprogram my subconscious to start achieving my financial goals?

This is the fun part…

Aligning yourself with the wealth and lifestyle you deeply desire is now as easy as listening to a podcast.

Introducing Financial Flow.

What is Financial Flow?

A series of audio recordings (that you can listen to as a podcast) guiding you through:

  •  EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) - Releases stuck energy and rewires your brain.
  •  Hypnosis -  Access your deeper subconscious to implant empowering beliefs and success-driven thought patterns.
  •  Breathwork - Calms your mind and body opening you up to abundance.
  •  EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) - Directly target difficult memories and changes the way they live in your brain.
  •  RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy)- Helps you to minimize your triggers and develop a sense of peacefulness, clarity, and confidence.
  •  Subconscious breakthrough questions - Discover the limiting beliefs you didn’t know were holding you back.

 Module 1. Foundations for Transformation -  Lays the groundwork for releasing money blocks and to become a magnet for wealth.

Module 2. The Body - Gives your body the feelings of safety you need in order to naturally attract abundance.

Module 3. Aligned Thoughts - Shifts the voice in your head to easily and effortlessly attract financial opportunities.

Module 4. Aligned Feelings - Allows you to tap into the feelings of abundance that are required for you to gain the wealth you deeply desire.

Module 5. Aligned Actions - Bringing your thoughts and feelings together, programming you to take the actions needed to achieve your goals.

Module 6. Pulling It All Together - Integrating everything you’ve learned to set you on the path to success.

Bonuses Include:

  •  Live group Q&A calls every month
  •  Lifetime access
  •  Podcast format
  •  New audios added upon request
  •  Live group budget setting calls quarterly

You will learn practical strategies and skills that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Limiting beliefs are like bad habits. The longer you hold onto them the harder they are to change.

The quicker you start reprogramming you mind, the easier it will be to make changes. And the sooner you get to start fulfilling your dreams.

Start investing in your money mindset, and watch how quickly and easily you surpass your goals.

By using this program the voice in your head will start to sound like:

  • “I am able to achieve my goals so quickly and easily.”
  • “I have what it takes to be successful.”
  • “Life feels so easy.”
  • “I’m so lucky, good things are always happening to me.”
  • “Everything is always working out for me.”
  • “I am meant to achieve my goals.”
  • “I can achieve anything I set my mind to.”
  • “I hit my financial goals so much fast than I thought I could.”

It is possible to:

  •  Live every day knowing you are meant to be successful.
  •  Trust it’s safe to live your dream life.
  •  Embody feelings of abundance, gratitude, confidence, and worthiness.
  •  Easily embrace the idea it’s possible to achieve your goals.
  •  Believe you’re a money magnet, and there’s always more than enough money for you.
  •  Let go of old limiting identities and create new more empowered ones.
  •  Have the power to feel financially secure, and peacefully regulate your nervous system.

This is the best investment you could possibly make for your business.

You’re going to learn valuable tools and resources to carry you through the rest of your life as you continue to scale your business.

Hi there, I’m Alyssa!

I have over 10 years experience guiding people on their entrepreneur journey. I have degrees in finance, investing, and counseling. This unique background allows me to help people reach major breakthroughs and fulfill their goals. Financial Flow is the perfect combination of therapy and financial counseling.

Together, we can navigate this journey towards financial freedom. Leveraging proven strategies that have helped hundreds reclaim their joy and success. Transforming your approach to finances will not only revive your business, but also bring profound peace and fulfillment to your life.

I know how overwhelming it can be when you’re trying to up level, in life, and in business. You feel like you need to meditate for 3 hours a day. And journal for 2 hours. And do a 90 minute masterclass. And spend every waking moment worried about your business. It’s exhausting.

That’s part of what makes this program so unique from any others on the market, it’s easy to incorporate it into your daily life. As easy as listening to a podcast.

Growing up in a small town in Alaska, I watched my parents endure financial hardships. Working multiple jobs, and even having to file for bankruptcy.

I knew I wanted my life to be different, and I was determined to make it happen. I put myself through college, and started my own business.

I went from being in debt, and having my own business that failed. To being a 7 figure business owner, debt free, driving my dream car, and living the lifestyle I always dreamed about.

I can’t wait to see you on the group coaching cals!

Change Your Money Mindset = Change Your Life

You will never achieve your financial goals while money blocks, and limiting beliefs are holding you back. The longer you wait to make a change, the more discouraged you’ll become in your business and your life.

If you’re not moving forward you’re moving backwards.

Stop moving backwards and start Financial Flow today.

All purchases are subject to our terms and conditions. By completing this purchase, you acknowledge and agree to our program policies.




What People Are Saying:

At first, I was so scared of wasting money on another useless program that doesn’t work. But now, it’s only been a week and Financial Flow is already the best investment I could have ever made for my business! I'm so glad I didn’t wait to get started.


I was so worried the program wouldn’t work for me. This course has done more for me in 2 weeks, than 5 years of talk therapy. I feel more calm and confident in myself and my business than I ever have before. And I’m already starting to see the changes in my life!