Battling Imposter Syndrome: How Female Entrepreneurs Show Up in Conversations around Family and Finances
Imposter Syndrome, that haunts the corridors of entrepreneurship, namely affecting women. In this riveting episode, we explore the deep-seated roots of Imposter Syndrome and its significant influences on the way female entrepreneurs engage in critical conversations about family and finances. We invite a host of successful women entrepreneurs who bare it all, sharing their personal battles with imposter feelings and how they've continuously managed to tower above this personally and professionally. We also unpack powerful strategies and tools that our listeners can utilize to diminish the effects of Imposter Syndrome in their entrepreneurial journey. Tune in to this empowering episode as we tackle the systemic issue that female entrepreneurs often face while juggling multiple roles - and how they can overcome it to continue blazing the trail in their respective industries. It's time to stop feeling like an imposter and start embracing our rightful place in the world of entrepreneurship!"
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